The IoT Conduit as a Connector in the American-Made Solar Prize

Round 4 of the American-Made Solar Prize, hosted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, is finally approaching! NREL, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and is a leader in energy efficiency research and development, hosts the AMC Solar Prize every year, a $3M competition to energize solar manufacturing and innovation in the U.S. The IoT Conduit served as a Connector, or mentor, who recruits, funds and empowers talented participants in the competition last year for round 3 and is excited to announce we are continuing our participation in round 4 of the competition. In the last round, one of the competitors we mentored, infiniRel, was chosen to advance to the next round! We are also the first, and only, Connector in Northern New England. The IoT Conduit is looking forward to being a part of this program again and mentoring more local solar technologies. Visit for more info on our involvement and contact us if you have a great solar idea that you think has a shot in the competition!